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School Wide Rubrics  (adopted September 2013)

 SWR icare - all [pdf]

  1. Integrity  

  2. Communicate 

  3. Achieve  

  4. Relate 

  5. Engage 

Example of Communicate

2. Communicate

built by Nashoba

Rubric Code: HA8W55

Communicate information and ideas clearly and effectively in varied contexts for a variety of purposes

 Ready to use  Public Rubric




Subjects: (General)
Types: (Other)

Grade Levels:



4 pts

3 pts

2 pts

1 pts

No effort
0 pts

States and identifies clearly


Student models the ability to support claims with numerous content relevant facts and evidence

Models the ability to make accurate, detailed, and nuanced references that clearly show connections between specific data and the larger concepts / subject at hand

Models the ability to consistently restate facts and concepts in their own words


Student demonstrates the ability to support claims with relevant facts and evidence

Demonstrates the ability to make accurate and detailed references that show connections between specific data and larger concepts

Demonstrates the ability to restate facts and concepts in their own words


Student is progressing towards the ability to support claims with facts and evidence; assistance guides the process

Progressing towards making accurate references; assistance needed to connect to larger themes and to make detailed references

Student requires guidance to restate facts and concepts in their own words


Student is beginning to be able to support claims with facts and evidence - significant assistance required in the process

Beginning to make accurate references; significant assistance required to connect information to larger themes and to develop detail

Student struggles or is unable to restate facts and concepts in their own words - significant assistance required to do so

No effort

Student does not attempt

Argues accuracy and logic


Student models the ability to follow an argument through a logically sequenced and sound progression

Models the ability to develop an insightful thesis, and consistently connect arguments and evidence back to the thesis

Models understanding of alternative perspectives including opposing viewpoints and counter-arguments

Student frequently invites contributions from others, and consistently uses shared knowledge as a foundation for structuring arguments


Student demonstrates the ability to follow an argument through a logical and sound progression

Demonstrates the ability to develop a relevant thesis, and regularly connects arguments and evidence back to the thesis

Demonstrates understanding of alternative perspectives and opposing viewpoints

Student invites contribution from others, and uses shared knowledge as a foundation for structuring arguments


Student is progressing towards the ability to follow an argument through an effective progression

Student requires some assistance to develop a thesis, and to connect arguments and evidence back to the thesis

Progressing with understanding of different viewpoints; requires assistance to do so

Student requires cues to invite contribution from others, and needs guidance to progress towards using shared knowledge as a foundation for structuring arguments


Student is beginning to be able to follow an argument through - requires significant assistance to do so effectively

Student requires significant assistance in developing a meaningful thesis, and frequent cues to be able to connect evidence back to the thesis

Beginning to understand different viewpoints; requires frequent assistance to begin to understand alternate perspectives

Student only invites contribution from others and connects to shared knowledge w

No effort

Student does not attempt

Delivers effectively


Models decorum through appropriate formality

Models effective vocabulary, avoids verbal fillers (um, you know…)

(ORAL) Models successful use of tone, pace, and volume; gestures and movements natural and effective

(WRITTEN) Models successful use of appropriate tone and structure to sentences and paragraphs; flow of writing is natural and interesting

Models desire to have one's audience understand and remember; final product captivates and can


Student demonstrates decorum and formality

Demonstrates effective use of vocabulary, and mostly avoids use of verbal fillers

ORAL - Demonstrates the ability to employ appropriate tone, pace, and volume; gestures and movements add to the delivery

WRITTEN - Demonstrates the ability to use appropriate structure to sentences and paragraphs; words choice and flow of writing are effective

Demonstrates the ability to earn the audiences' attention and


Progressing towards appropriate formality

Progressing towards effective vocabulary, with assistance; verbal fillers causes disruption

ORAL - Progressing towards appropriate tone, pace, and volume with assistance; gestures detract minimally

WRITTEN - Progressing towards appropriate structure to sentences and paragraphs with guidance; flow of writing requires revision

Final product does not consistently hold attention; more effort needed


Beginning to understand role of decorum in communication; requires frequent assistance

Requires assistance to polish vocabulary, verbal fillers cause significant disruption

ORAL - Beginning to use appropriate tone, pace, volume with frequent guidance; gestures detract from delivery

WRITTEN - Beginning to use appropriate structure to sentences / paragraphs with significant assistance; without revision, flow of writing is ineffective

Final product

No effort

Student does not attempt

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Rubric Code: HA8W55